He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare,And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere.

Ali ibn-Abi-Talib (602 AD - 661 AD), A Hundred Sayings

Friday, December 14, 2007


musim hujan2 cam nih memang la sejuk... ntah semalam sejuk semacam... tutup kipas pun sejuk jugak... badan plak rasa lenguh2, mata berbahang... tekak pun dah ada aura nak sakit... badan pun mula menunjukkan suhu yang panas... walaupun sikit... nak demam la nih... telan le panadol sekeping je... x nak banyak2... panadol tu dadah... x nak le aku ketagih ubat plak... huhuhu... bangun pagi ok la... still rasa semacam tapi belum demam... ok lah. but aku masih bernafas dan boleh makan serta melihat... syukur... alhamdulillah.
dah lama aku x pakai cermin mata, balik keje buka c/lense pun aku lebih suka dalam keadaan rabun... hehehe... cermin mata ni dah lama dah... buat ngan mama dulu kat kota bharu... masih boleh dipakai, kalau dah terdesak sangat baru le aku pakai...
hello kitty... ntah nape la nama kucing nih camgitu...

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Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for.

Dag Hammarskjold (1905 - 1961)

You love the world very dearly. If you did not love the world, you would not mention it so much. It is always the purchaser who first disparages what he wants to buy. If you wre done with the world, you would not mention it either for good or evil. As it is, you keep mentioning it because, as the proverb says whoever loves a thing mentions it frequently.

Rabi'a al-Adawiyya